Found My Career

It has been several years since I’ve updated this blog. This blog was pivotal to me during that really difficult time I went through but as I’ve slowly come out of it, I’ve come to rely on this blog less and less. Anyway, I’ve only come back to say that I am very proud to say that I have found my dream career.

I’m not sure if anyone is even still subscribed to this blog, but if you are, I wanted to update you on my journey. It wasn’t an easy one – by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, more often than not, I found it really difficult. Even as I was working towards what I now know to be my dream career, part of me always yearned to work for a local video production company. Melbourne is a very arty city and making art is in my blood, so it makes sense that thoughts like this would pop up here and there. Instead of trying to suppress them, I let them pass by like ships in the ocean. I accepted that they were there and let them continue on their journey. I found that this was the only way I could function without being incredibly sad about my failed dream career.

But, as I’ve always been told – when one door closes, another one opens. When I decided to pursue Media Studies as a career, I was only doing it because I felt like I didn’t have a choice. It was hard for me, giving up on my dream. But I obviously wasn’t meant to be a post production service specialist. Everything happened this way so that I could be the best Media Studies teacher in Melbourne.

I am now very proud of myself. I have landed a job at one of the best media schools in Melbourne and I truly am inspiring the future leaders of film and television. Because of me, films and television will be the best it has ever been. I couldn’t be more satisfied with my work.