I have recently discovered the benefits of installing solar panels in my own business. As a small business owner, it can be hard for me to make decisions about what to spend my money on, since we have a very low profit margin and sometimes if I make a bad business decision I have to eat the costs directly.
However, I feel like we are now at the point in society where if you aren’t seriously thinking about at the very least installing a few solar panels, then you are probably not thinking at all. Everybody seems to have them on their homes and other residential buildings. I see them less frequently on the roofs of businesses, but I know that many people do have them. I looked up the commercial solar installation cost just out of curiosity and was pleasantly surprised to find that it is a lot more affordable than I was expecting. There are many companies who can complete the installation and that are also within my budget, but I’ve narrowed that list down to just a couple based on factors such as reputability and the number of systems they have installed.
The shortened list is filled with amazing energy solution providers, and I’m struggling to choose between them now, so I’m thinking of calling them all and asking some questions that are directly related to my businesses. That way, I’ll be able to get a gauge on how they deal with customer service, and also how they can help small businesses like mine. It’s one thing to install a huge solar system on a chain of warehouses, but it’s another thing altogether to install a system that suits the needs of my business. Not to mention, I really pride myself on being able to tell if I can work with somebody or not based on a phone conversation. If this company is to work with me for the years to come, we’ll need to work well together.