For the record, I’d just like to say that we were doing things on ice before it was cool. In the last five years, it seems like ice skating has exploded into this super sport. There’s that Yugoslavian guy with his inspirational biography and excellent teaching methods. And then in Docklands, ice skating rinks just seem to be everywhere, like it’s suddenly the ice skating rink capital of Australia. Now everyone’s talking about this new book about ice skating with your cat, which I think is just a load of rubbish, and…well, I’m sad. I used to be involved in a niche activity, and now it’s totally mainstream.
Still, I haven’t heard of a string quartet that ice skates at the same times as their performance, so me and the guys still have that to our name. The ‘Cryo Bros’ is our name, and we give unique performances at birthday party venues that also have ice skating rinks. For the first part we give a bit of a skating demonstration, a few of the crowd pleasing moves. Then we pull out the violins, play a jaunty shanty to get everyone in the mood…and that’s when things get interesting. I don’t know if it’s always what people are expecting, but that’s when we combine the two and give a performance that took two solid years to perfect. Ever seen someone do an ice skating somersault over another person while wearing a kilt? Or seen four guys performing synchronized pirouettes while serenading the audience with Winter of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons? That’s the showstopper, obviously. People love spinning, even more so than stuff that’s actually hard to pull off.
So at least we’ve got that. We’re just about to go on tour, having been picked up by a major music magazine. I’m hoping in other cities it’s more of our ‘thing’, you know? Ice skating in Victoria is pretty much us, so I guess we’re taking our awesome tunes to the masses. Taking them, and just sort of…hoping they enjoy them. But then it doesn’t matter if you miss a few notes in the middle of a somersault.